
Posts Tagged ‘22 weeks’

It snowed like crazy and we were without power for like 2 days. It sucked. And I have to work like all week this week because of christmas. F consumer culture. Anyway- I’m 22 weeks and 2 days! Exciting.  I’ve never had heartburn before but I’m getting it now like crazy. I hate it. I didn’t sleep at all last night it was so bad. I got this huge pillow and propped it up and slept sitting up. It sucked. I don’t know what to do about it- I hate Tums. They’re so chalky and gross.

So is it weird I’m 22 weeks and not in maternity clothes yet? I like it. I hate  all of the maternity clothes I’ve seen. They’re all so old lady.  Plus whats up with all the gross stretchy spandixy fabric? It feels nasty.  I’m still wearing my old jeans. My legs and hips haven’t grown much at all which makes me happy.  So, I’m wearing these for as long as the belly will allow.  I always wore flowy tops pre-pregnancy so now my flowy tops are just a little less flowy.. Yeah- I’m putting off maternity clothes shopping for as long as possible.

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