
Posts Tagged ‘25 weeks’

25 weeks

Work is getting more and more difficult.  Everything is getting more difficult actually. Sitting up, rolling over, walking, everything. My legs hurt so bad. But other than that its pregnancy as usual.  Next week is a happy week. For one, I’ll be 26 weeks which  all the books say a baby has a 80-90% survival rate if born, and that just makes me happy.  Two, it’s my birthday. It’s going to be a hoppin’ 21st birthday too lol. I’m going to buy Ryan a beer and make myself a virgin cosmopolitan.

I’ve been thinking about my birth plan. I haven’t written it out yet but there are some key things I know I want. I really don’t want to be induced.  I don’t feel like I will be, I have a feeling that baby will come early if anything- but just incase, I want to avoid being induced at all costs.

I want to labor at home for as long as I can. I want a natural childbirth so laboring at home sounds ideal.  I don’t want drugs, an epistomy, or c-section unless it’s an absolute emergency.

I want to be free to move around during labor. Walking, standing, sitting. I’d like a water birth- or at least be able to labor in a tub for as long as I want. I also want the option of drinking water and cranberry juice and possibly eating italian ice during labor.

I don’t want more than 4 people in the room with me at a time.  Including my doula/midwife.

When baby is born it will be handed to Ryan and he will hand him/her to me.  Ryan will cut the cord after it stops pulsing. The baby will not be taken out of the room. Incase of emergency baby will be accompanied by Ryan at all times.

Baby will not be given any vaccines, formula, or a pacifier.

That’s all I have for now. I know I’ll think of more.

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