
Posts Tagged ‘husband’

How to be a 1950’s Housewife

Do you dream of a time in the 1950’s when rock and roll was just coming on the scene and every girls dream was of her wedding? Well here are a few tips if you want to relive that period of time as the fantasy housewife.

  1. As a housewife of the 1950’s you won’t be required to hold a job outside the home. In fact you really won’t be allowed to because it would be an insult to the male of the family for not being able to provide for his wife and family! So relax and buy a box of bonbon’ s.
  2. Always wake at least two hours before your husband so you can shower, do your hair, put on make up and a really nice dress and high heels. You must always look your best when he see’ s you first thing in the morning and never, ever have morning breath or look sleepy.
  3. Next cook a nourishing breakfast for the whole family. Stuff them with eggs, beacon, biscuits made from scratch, gravy, milk, orange juice and don’t forget the perfect jams and jellies you canned all by yourself during the dog days of summer. Stuff them until they can’t move and are sure to gain enough weight to be a battle ship in dry dock.
  4. Be sure when they are getting ready for work and their school day you have clean clothes out for everyone. Do not make them choose their own outfit. Silly woman, that’s you job! Always make sure they are wearing the latest up to date styles so everyone will think they are keen.
  5. Be sure you pack a good lunch for them. For the kid’s pack a good sandwich, chips, carrot sticks, cupcakes, fruit, a thermos of milk and a thermos of hot soup! Don’t forget the note with words of love and support.
  6. Now it’s time for you! First refresh your makeup and hair. Then start with cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. Don’t worry if the floors look clean enough because it’s still best to clean them again so your family can make you eat off of them and not worry about your health.
  7. Now for all the laundry you must gather from each room in the house and start washing. Never day them in a dryer. That is a waste of money when you can spend time hanging them on an outside line for the fresh air scent. When they are finished drying you will bring them in, sprinkle them with a little water and roll them in a tight ball so you can iron it all the next day. Make sure to keep it all in the laundry room out of sight of the husband and kid’s. They deserve a relaxed life.
  8. Next pick up the living room, bedroom, and all other rooms in the house. Dust everything within an inch of it’s life and vacuum all floors. Now clean the bathroom and scrub every surface for the fresh clean smell. You would never want your family to see anything disgusting in your bathroom and you really don’t want the neighbors to inspect your work when they come to visit.
  9. Well, it’s time for a break. Make yourself a light lunch of salad, no dressing and an apple. Don’t want to lose the figure you had the day you got married. You know, when you were 18 years old, 2 less kids, one less husband and 20 less years! While you are eating you can watch your favorite soap opera while darning the socks of the whole family or creating lovely clothes by hand or polishing all the stainless steel you own. Never let the grass grow under your pretty high heels! Be productive while relaxing.
  10. The kids will be home from school soon so you must make sure you have made a batch of home made cookies with plenty of butter and sugar. A big glass of chocolate milk and their favorite TV shows while they do their homework.
    You will be making dessert for tonight, putting the dinner to cook of ham, fresh peeled and mashed potatoes, fresh green beans with beacon, more biscuits and lots of butter!
  11. Now all you have to do before hubby gets home from work is set the table, clean the rooms again, make the kids clean up and look cute as pie, refresh yourself with a new dress and different shoes. Evening hair do, nice makeup, a happy smile and NO complaints about anything.
  12. As he walks in the door you hand him the paper, his favorite drink, ask how his day went and then leave him alone for 30 minutes while you finish dinner, get it on the table and quietly announce it’s time to eat.
    After he and the kids finish dinner you clear the table, wash all the dishes by hand, dry them and put them away, clean the kitchen again and look perky!
  13. The family watches TV together or plays a game, eats more dessert and then wanders off to bed.
    Now it’s time for you to go to the bedroom, turn down the covers, fluff the pillows, take a quick shower and put on a pretty nightie, put on fresh makeup, do your hair again down this time and call for hubby to come to bed. You read while he relaxes and when he is ready for a little fun you will be just as ready and excited he is giving you his time. Oh,oh…he is tired now and finished. He rolls over, goes to sleep and you slip away to the bathroom to put on fresh makeup in case he wakes in the middle of the night and sees your face. You must always look your very best!
  14. Ahhh… peace at last. Now for the well deserved 4 hours of sleep before you do it all over again.
    Tomorrow is ironing day, baking bread day, going to the store day for anything the family wants and you will do it all as the lovely, skinny bride you were 20 years ago and with a smile on your pretty little face. After all you don’t have to hold a job and support the family.
    Where are those bonbon’ s?

    Tips & Warnings

    If you are woman enough to do all this without complaint then more power to you.

    Buy dollar store makeup because you are going to go through a lot of it.

    Beware of homicidal thoughts and fantasies.

    Good thing I have this guide!  Haha.  Found Here.

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“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk in my garden forever.” –Alfred Lord Tennyson

Yesterday, Daisy, Ryan and I went for a walk in the gardens we were married at.

Daisy has been here twice before and we plan on bringing her here to play (and for pictures of course 😉 )  a lot throughout her childhood.

It really is  magical place.  Not only did we get married here, but we also shared our first kiss here.  I love the whimsical bridges, creeks, rocks and flowers.

I think I inturrupted this Butterfly’s lunch.  Sorry!!

Ok, so these pictures of me and Daisy were a struggle.  Not for her, she was brilliant, but for ME.  I want pictures of me and my daughter, but I’m still pretty self conscience over my not-quite-back -to-myself body.  So, you guys better enjoy these. 😉

^ African something something berries?  Pretty 🙂

I think her hands are made of sugar….

^ Where we had our first kiss ❤  I know I know 🙂

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It’s been a blazin’ hot summer.  I don’t mind at all. I love warm weather.  Daisy and Ryan, however, are very warm natured and it’s been killing them.  Daisy is a little hot box just like her daddy.  So, Daisy has pretty much been naked all summer.

Nothing better than being “nakey” and taking a nap on mama 😉

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Today is mine and Ryan’s anniversary!

I thought maybe you guys would like to see some wedding pictures 🙂

[btw, these photos were done by my very talented life-long friend Kelli!  Check out her blog here!]

My lovely bridesmaids

Some handsome men.

I do!

Two years and a beautiful little girl later… This still feels like only yesterday.

I love you, Ryan.  I’d marry you again in a heartbeat.

Happy Anniversary!

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I’ve gotten pretty boring.  It’s unfortunately true.  I know I’m busy.  I’m a new mom, a wife, a manager ect.  But life should be about more than just doing what you have to.  I don’t want to just react, I want to live.  I’m making a list of goals and gosh darnit I’m going to stick to them.

LOSE this freaking baby-weight. I hate it.  I look bad, I feel bad and it needs to be gone from my life.  I’ll feel so much better when I look better.

Read more.  I’m going to find a new interesting book to read.  I love books, I love reading, I should do it more.

Make more deliberate time for my husband. Time with each other is kind of blurred since baby.  We’re both tired and our schedule is still revolving around a one-month-old.  Which is understandable but we still need time just us.  Even just watching a movie when she passes out at 9.  I’m going to try for something like this at least once a week.

Take Daisy out more. Ok germ-a-phobic mama, it’s summer, flu season is a lonnnng way away, you snarl at any stranger who comes within a foot of her, you literally WEAR her strapped to your chest and SANATIZE her hands with baby-sanitizer wipes, (I know.)  She’ll be fine.  She needs to get out.  I need to get out.

Laying Daisy down at nap time and getting the housework DONE. If I can just get her to LET ME lay her down and STAY asleep for longer than 15mins (until she realizes I laid her down…) I can knock out the housework and neither Ryan or I have to lose time with each other and Daisy later.  We’ll see how this one goes….

Blog more. At least 3 times a week.  I want to look back and remember everything.  Who cares who reads this, who cares what people think, this is my life and thoughts and they’re worth writing down.

Take LOADS more pictures. Daisy’s already getting so big!!!  I’ve taken pictures but not nearly enough.  From now on, the camera goes with us EVERYWHERE.  So I don’t have a glamorous life and live on a yacht somewhere exoctic-  these “boring” things and places will be gold when I’m 80.  I don’t care how mundane the task.  I’ll take pictures of us grocery shopping, I don’t care.  I;m taking more pictures.

Cooking. Ok, this isn’t a problem, we NEVER eat out or have fast food.  It’s just that our menu pretty much stays the same. Very healthy, but again, very boring.  I want to find new recipes and try different things.

Planning more things with friends.  It’s worth the drive, it’s worth getting Daisy out, I need people.  I need a girls night like whoa.  My best friend is getting married soon and I should be helping like crazy.

I’ll be documenting all of these goals in posts and pictures in this blog!  I’m excited and I think all of these things will be really good for all of us. 🙂

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When my husband and I first started dating I went over to his apartment one evening.  In the corner of the living room against a cold brick wall was his black guitar.  I knew he played music and I knew he was kind of a big deal around town but I’d never heard him play or sing before.

Without hesitation he picked up his guitar and asked if he could get my opinion on a song he was writing.  When he started to play and I first heard his deep scruffy voice… I was gone.  Melted. His.

Now that we’ve been together for nearly 3 years (and have a baby)- his voice and guitar still give me butterflies.


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