
Posts Tagged ‘labor’

The other day while we were downtown, my husband needed to go to the restroom and suggested he take Daisy with him, while I looked at dresses.  I freaked out!  It went something like this…

Me: “What!?  Do you know how many creepers are out there!?  I don’t want some pedophile looking at her!”

Husband: “You do know that if there are “creepers”  they could just as easily be looking at her out here?”

Me:  “That’s different!  I don’t want to put her in the situation to be creeped upon!”

Ryan:  ” Don’t you trust me that I would kill anyone who even slightly looked at her in a weird way?”

Me: ” 😦 ”

Hmm… I was most likely over reacting.  Which is weird for me because I never do that 😉  I can see it being ok..  If it’s a family bathroom or a bathroom in a good place like… I have no idea.  I don’t really see any bathroom where I’d be comfortable him taking Daisy into.  I don’t know why.  I totally trust him… I’m not even sure its it’s that big of a deal.  I mean really, there could just as easily be “women creepers” in women’s bathrooms…

Anyway, what do you think?  Would you let your man take your daughter into the guys bathroom?

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I love October.  I love downtown.  I think Miss Daisy is becoming a fan of downtown too.  On our days off we like the walk and explore.  It was probably one of my most favorite days, ever.

Won’t you come take a walk with me?

Mom-of-the-year forgot socks for Daisy… Oh well, it was more-so windy than cold.

Like my hat?  Me too.  Thanks Jess. 😉

Don’t know what my hair is doing.  I told you it was windy.  So, some random information, because your all so so so interested in the boring details of my life…  It’s really hard to find good parking downtown.  There’s no space really.  And the parking we do have is expensive, PLUS there are EVIL tow trucks EVERYWHERE (I’ve had a few experiences with these lovely fellows…)  Anyhow,  When Ryan and I were dating we found “our spot”  which is top-secret,  CAN’T be towed, and FREE.  BAH!

Wouldn’t Attachment Parenting be proud?  Mmhmmm

Our walk from our car takes us to the heart of downtown.  No hula hoopers or drum circles or paint-fests going on today.  Oh well, it’s still gorgeous as always.

Remember when your mom used to make you dress up for pictures outside and the sun would always be right in your eyes?  I’m mom.

Falling in love yet?

It’s ok Daisy, I’m always barefoot too.

A long time ago, I was helping someone in their garden, and this person got personally offended that I took my shoes off.  Um, its wet grass and dirt, why wouldn’t I have my shoes off?  Oh, and my feet didn’t even stink!  Haha who knows.

Rude car.

This makes me laugh for some reason.

Above is The Iron.  A favorite spot for buskers.  When Ryan and I were dating he would busk her a lot and I’d listen to him.

Ok, so I’m a bit strange, as you all know.  I always have some random thing I look for in every store.  Sometimes it takes me years to find.  I don’t “actively look”  but I browse around when I’m out somewhere.  A few years ago it was a certain bird necklace, then a feather incense burner (FOUND last year…)  Currently, it is a cute, fat, adorable, medium-sized Buddha.  You know, where his face is ridiculously happy and you just want to pinch him.  That’s what I look for.  This Buddha is just creepy as hell. lol.

Yep, I know you’re in love now.  This homemade shop makes the BEST lemonade I’ve ever had.  I love fresh squeezed SOUR lemonade.  Delish.

I think I just gained 20lbs looking at these…

So much sweetness!  I told the girl behind the counter, “I swear I’m not a tourist, I just really like pictures.”  and she says, “Oh, I know, you don’t look like a tourist.”

Best compliment ever?

I want to call her Dorothy. No clue why.

Mmmhmm, ladies, He’s taken.

These key chains were supposed to give you magic powers… I wonder if that’s how Harry Potter does it….

They made a bumper sticker just for me!?!?!  Thanks guys!!!  Haha.  Ironic…

We should go for another walk sometime soon.  I feel like Mr. Rodgers, but, I hope you’ll join me again, neighbor.

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I don’t feel like moving today.  I wish I could just stay in bed all day.  But alas, those days are gone.  At least for 18 or so years…

Anyway, this morning after making my darling husband a big cup of coffee and sending him on his way,  Daisy and I watched Gilmore Girls in our PJ’s.

It’s starting to get cold!  I was freezing last night.  I’m excited to get Daisy some cute hats and sweaters though. 🙂

Daisy’s still sleepy today too for some reason.  She’s been doing this whole “I’m only taking a 30 minute nap” thing and it’s killing me!

Ok, I’m off to attempt nap-time again.  Wish me luck.  *yawn*

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How to be a 1950’s Housewife

Do you dream of a time in the 1950’s when rock and roll was just coming on the scene and every girls dream was of her wedding? Well here are a few tips if you want to relive that period of time as the fantasy housewife.

  1. As a housewife of the 1950’s you won’t be required to hold a job outside the home. In fact you really won’t be allowed to because it would be an insult to the male of the family for not being able to provide for his wife and family! So relax and buy a box of bonbon’ s.
  2. Always wake at least two hours before your husband so you can shower, do your hair, put on make up and a really nice dress and high heels. You must always look your best when he see’ s you first thing in the morning and never, ever have morning breath or look sleepy.
  3. Next cook a nourishing breakfast for the whole family. Stuff them with eggs, beacon, biscuits made from scratch, gravy, milk, orange juice and don’t forget the perfect jams and jellies you canned all by yourself during the dog days of summer. Stuff them until they can’t move and are sure to gain enough weight to be a battle ship in dry dock.
  4. Be sure when they are getting ready for work and their school day you have clean clothes out for everyone. Do not make them choose their own outfit. Silly woman, that’s you job! Always make sure they are wearing the latest up to date styles so everyone will think they are keen.
  5. Be sure you pack a good lunch for them. For the kid’s pack a good sandwich, chips, carrot sticks, cupcakes, fruit, a thermos of milk and a thermos of hot soup! Don’t forget the note with words of love and support.
  6. Now it’s time for you! First refresh your makeup and hair. Then start with cleaning the kitchen from top to bottom. Don’t worry if the floors look clean enough because it’s still best to clean them again so your family can make you eat off of them and not worry about your health.
  7. Now for all the laundry you must gather from each room in the house and start washing. Never day them in a dryer. That is a waste of money when you can spend time hanging them on an outside line for the fresh air scent. When they are finished drying you will bring them in, sprinkle them with a little water and roll them in a tight ball so you can iron it all the next day. Make sure to keep it all in the laundry room out of sight of the husband and kid’s. They deserve a relaxed life.
  8. Next pick up the living room, bedroom, and all other rooms in the house. Dust everything within an inch of it’s life and vacuum all floors. Now clean the bathroom and scrub every surface for the fresh clean smell. You would never want your family to see anything disgusting in your bathroom and you really don’t want the neighbors to inspect your work when they come to visit.
  9. Well, it’s time for a break. Make yourself a light lunch of salad, no dressing and an apple. Don’t want to lose the figure you had the day you got married. You know, when you were 18 years old, 2 less kids, one less husband and 20 less years! While you are eating you can watch your favorite soap opera while darning the socks of the whole family or creating lovely clothes by hand or polishing all the stainless steel you own. Never let the grass grow under your pretty high heels! Be productive while relaxing.
  10. The kids will be home from school soon so you must make sure you have made a batch of home made cookies with plenty of butter and sugar. A big glass of chocolate milk and their favorite TV shows while they do their homework.
    You will be making dessert for tonight, putting the dinner to cook of ham, fresh peeled and mashed potatoes, fresh green beans with beacon, more biscuits and lots of butter!
  11. Now all you have to do before hubby gets home from work is set the table, clean the rooms again, make the kids clean up and look cute as pie, refresh yourself with a new dress and different shoes. Evening hair do, nice makeup, a happy smile and NO complaints about anything.
  12. As he walks in the door you hand him the paper, his favorite drink, ask how his day went and then leave him alone for 30 minutes while you finish dinner, get it on the table and quietly announce it’s time to eat.
    After he and the kids finish dinner you clear the table, wash all the dishes by hand, dry them and put them away, clean the kitchen again and look perky!
  13. The family watches TV together or plays a game, eats more dessert and then wanders off to bed.
    Now it’s time for you to go to the bedroom, turn down the covers, fluff the pillows, take a quick shower and put on a pretty nightie, put on fresh makeup, do your hair again down this time and call for hubby to come to bed. You read while he relaxes and when he is ready for a little fun you will be just as ready and excited he is giving you his time. Oh,oh…he is tired now and finished. He rolls over, goes to sleep and you slip away to the bathroom to put on fresh makeup in case he wakes in the middle of the night and sees your face. You must always look your very best!
  14. Ahhh… peace at last. Now for the well deserved 4 hours of sleep before you do it all over again.
    Tomorrow is ironing day, baking bread day, going to the store day for anything the family wants and you will do it all as the lovely, skinny bride you were 20 years ago and with a smile on your pretty little face. After all you don’t have to hold a job and support the family.
    Where are those bonbon’ s?

    Tips & Warnings

    If you are woman enough to do all this without complaint then more power to you.

    Buy dollar store makeup because you are going to go through a lot of it.

    Beware of homicidal thoughts and fantasies.

    Good thing I have this guide!  Haha.  Found Here.

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Today was absolutely lovely.  My husband now has a regular 9-5, monday-friday, so he has Saturdays and Sundays off.  Today we had a family day!

Since the weather was gorgeous, we packed a picnic and went to the lake.  We found a cute little bench and ate our sandwiches while Daisy napped in her car seat.

There’s just something so peaceful about being in the woods.  The trees seem so wise…

We took a long walk and talked and dreamed.  We talked about the garden we want to plant and the dogs we want to adopt.  We talked about Daisy and when we would like to start trying for her little brother or sister.  How lucky am I that my husband and I are still so in love?

It was refreshing to walk around in the dirt, laugh, and show Daisy the water.  I was reminded last night of how thankful I am for my sweet little family.  Not everyone finds the person for them, not everyone is able to have a baby, not everyone has someone to love them no matter what.  What’s even sadder is that some people do have these things but never fully appreciate them.  Some people live lonely lives. This is something I easily forget.  It’s good to be reminded of how truly truly fortunate I am.  I have a loving, patient, intelligent, thoughtful, hardworking husband whom I love madly and who’s crazy about me.  I have a beautiful, healthy little girl who lights up my life with her sweet smiles and chubby little body.  I have so much to be happy about.

Life is beautiful!


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I’m not exaggerating when I say this;  Daisy is always attached to my hip.  Occasionally she’ll let me put her in her excersaucer to play.  Most of the time though, she has to be held.  Oh, and only by me or her daddy.  She won’t go to anyone else for longer than maybe a minute without crying and wanting me.  It’s strange, because she’s only 4 and a half month old, but it’s true.  She already ahs stranger anxiety.

I’m kind of conflicted on what to do about it.  On one hand, she’s a baby who just wants her mommy and daddy.  On the other hand, I don’t want her to be afraid of everyone. I don’t want her to be that 2-year-old who clings to her mommy’s leg for dear life whenever new people are around.  Maybe I’m over thinking it, but really, what if we have to go somewhere and I need to leave her with a friend or family?  I want her to start getting used to being held by others.  I think it’ll only get harder as she gets older.

Maybe I’ll start her in doses.  I’ll let someone hold her and let her fuss a little for like 5 minutes and then take her back.  Just so she start seeing that everything is ok? I don’t know, I’m new at this!

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So, I’m walking around a grocery store, minding my own business with my little Daisy-baby strapped to my chest.  Then, it happens, it never fails to happen…  “AWWW!!! HOW SWEEETT!!! LOOK AT THE BABBBYYYYY!!!!”  And someone comes over and starts touching her.

A stranger is touching my baby and I have no idea what to say.  I know.  I ALWAYS have something to say.  I’m a GERM-A-PHOBE!  I hate hate hate people touching her, especially her hands! She’s teething! Those chubby little fingers go into her mouth!!!!  I try to lean away,  I keep it short and sweet, sometimes I don’t say much at all and try to back out of the conversation but nothing seems to work.  I don’t want to be rude, but sick season is coming!

This can’t happen when everyone is catching colds and the flu.  I don’t know where these peoples’ hands have been.  I always immediately take out a wipe and wipe her hands and feet off.  I don’t care if they see me do that and get offended. I don’t know you and you have no right to come up and touch my baby.  It’s not like a dog you can just walk up to and pet.  This is my baby and I’d rather her not have your grimey hands all over her.

Over reacting? Most likely.  But I really hate it and I don’t know what to say!!!

Do people try to touch your baby?  What do you say or do?

I’ll let you know what I do next time…

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I got my hair cut!

Don’t freak out.  It’s still long, I just look like I got rid of 30 cats and became a hipster.

I love it.

And, before I show you pictures, it’s actually a cool story.  After some bday festivities, Ryan, Daisy and I were strolling downtown and this woman comes up to me and says, “I swear I’m not hitting on you, but I love your look!  Would you be willing to get a trim or something from me and model for my portfolio??”  UHH would I ever!?  I didn’t even know I had a “look.”

Anyway,  the girl was working in this super fancy, high-end salon I could have never been able to afford and she did my hair for free.  All I had to do was let her take pictures after.  There were some crazy good stylists there critiquing her work too!  I had my hair touched by so many people.   OMG she did fantastic.  I’ve never had such a good cut.  Great, now I’ll be addicted to expensive hair cuts lol.

Actually,  my hair stylist asked if I wanted to get drinks with her this week… So maybe I can make a friend and always have these cuts for free…. KIDDING! 😉

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