
Posts Tagged ‘maternity pants’

I need to take a belly picture soon because I’m getting HUGE.  Everyday I feel bigger. I haven’t felt as many kicks lately which kind of worries me but I’ve probably just been too busy to notice.  And counting kicks isn’t super important until your third trimester right? Yeah I think so.

So anyway back to me being huge.  My pants barely fit. Barely fit is a understatment. I feel like stuffed sausage.  I look like a water-bed in denim. I’m going to bite the bullet and get maternity jeans. Ew. Buying maternity pants is like buying a mini van.  I might as well exchange the elastic banded pants for my “sultry, mysterious, sexy, woman card”  Take it. It’s gone. Gone for at least three more months. Ha.

So, I’ve been trying to get Ryan prepared for labor.  I’m being totally obnoxious and making hospital packing lists and quizzing him on hard words like “cervix” (which I had to explain to him and I’m still not sure he knows what it is)  I’m not trying to make him feel dumb I just don’t want him in the dark when the midwife starts poking around and talking about dilating and centimeters.  He really is doing great. He’s been reading some of the pregnancy books (on his OWN) and asking good questions at midwife appointments.  I think he’ll be ok.

I’m kind of torn on whether or not to take breathing classes. They’re so expensive and really, however which way I breathe won’t take away the pain. The whole point is just to take deep breaths and go with it.  We’ll see.  So I’m pretty much done with my birth plan.  Take a gander.

Maranda’s Birth Plan
Labor and Delivery
* No more than four people in the room at one time (including midwife)
* No pain medication unless absolutely necessary
* Mother would like freedom to move around during labor as well as laboring in birthing tub
* Mother would like the option of drinking, water and cranberry juice, and eating ice chips or italian ice during labor
* No cesarean section unless it’s an absolute emergency
* No epistomy
* No use of forceps or vacuum unless absolute emergency
* No use of mirror
* When baby is born it will be passed to the father who will pass it to mother
* Father will cut cord after it has stopped pulsing and is clamped
* Mother will take sitz bath after birth
* Baby will not be taken out of the room
* In case of emergency baby will be accompanied by father at all times
* No vaccines will be administered
* Baby will not be given formula or pacifier

This will be revised I’m sure but that’s what I have for now.

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