
Posts Tagged ‘green living’

I never thought I’d be so excited about butt frosting.  AKA diaper rash cream.  When I was in the hospital after giving birth to Daisy, My friend Anna,  (who is a herbalist)  made me some amazing concoctions.  Mommy Tea, Herbal Sitz Bath, and Mommy and Baby Salve (AKA butt frosting, again just because I like saying that lol)

This salve is amazing.  I recommend it to women who have just given birth, and for skin irritations (my husband used it on his razor burn and it was gone within a day) and my most favorite use is for diaper rash.

Daisy was very sick at her tummy a few weeks ago and had awful diaper rash.  I tried this organic, natural salve and her intense red rash was gone in ONE day.  One day.  It’s made with all natural and organic ingredients like Olive Oil, Plantain, Cocoa Butter and lots of other healing herbs.  I HIGHLY recommend it to all my mommy and pregnant friends (and my mommy and pregnant friends who have husbands who get razor burn.)

Oh, and it’s only $10- so how freakin sweet is that?

Help a fellow hippie out by helping your baby’s butts!

Find it here 🙂

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I’m not sure if this question means in the world or in my life… So I’ll do a mix of both.

1.)  I would want to see  people  love and accept each other.  Forget politics and religion- none of that matters.  What matters is the company you keep and how well you keep it. Love is what matters (as cliche as that sounds) relationships are what matter, not what religious or political box you put yourself in.  Everyone deserves respect and love.  And if people would just start doing this, in their families and communities, that unconditional love would spread to the world and we’d be a much more peaceful humanity.


2.)  I’d like to see everyone start taking better care of the enviroment.  No matter what your political beliefs are, wether you believe in global warming or not, having more sustanable lifestyles and energy is a good idea.  It’s better for us, it’s better for the earth.

save the trees

3.)  Equal rights.  This is huge for me.  I’m obviously not gay but I strongly believe in equal rights for all people.  If you’re in love, and want to get married,  it’s scary to me that the government can deny that to you based on out dated religious beliefs that cater to a small number of people.  Gay and lesbian couples should have the same rights as straight couples, period.

gay equal rights

4.)  In my life… I guess I’d like to see myself stop worrying so much and live more in the present.  I don’t want to miss this prescious time I have with Daisy or Ryan.  Really, we won’t be “new parents” for too much longer.  Daisy is growing more and more everyday.  Before I know it she’ll be having babies of her own.  I don’t want to waste this time worrying about things that don’t matter.  I want to enjoy her,  I want to enjoy every moment Ryan and I learn more about each other and more about our daughter.  I don’t want to look back when I’m old and grey and wish I had spent more time loving them to my fullest.


5.) Lastly, I’d like for Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream to be totally calorie free so I can eat as much as I want and still lose all of this baby weight…. 😉

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