
Posts Tagged ‘hippie’

My town is kind of weird.  It’s like the melting pot of the mountains/southern area.  A lot of progressive people, a lot of art a lot of opinions. Downtown is thriving and full of culture and different people.  Artists and musicians galore.  I love it.   I didn’t really appreciate it until I moved away.  Now that I’m back I feel like I just got back with an old boyfriend.  Now i appreciate it here so much more.

In the middle of downtown was this single, solitary tree and a patch of green grass.  The city wanted to cut it down to expand something or other.  This lady, I don’t even know her name, dread locked and in earthy clothes sat on that patch of grass every day protesting the cutting down of the tree.  She felt a connection to it and sat there, rain or shine, under her tree, getting people to sign a petition to keep the tree.   It was a lovely tree.  She’d tell people the tree had an old soul and deserved to continue thriving.   She sat there everyday for a year.  A lot of people made fun of her, a lot of people thought she was crazy and this was pointless.

I never really kept up with the story.  I walked by her a few times and said hey and signed her petition but that was about it.  The other day, Daisy, Ryan and I were walking around downtown and Ryan said, ” Hey, it looks like she saved her tree.”  And there it was.  Alone, beautiful and saved.

What if we all cherished and fought for something so alone and forgotten?

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I never thought I’d be so excited about butt frosting.  AKA diaper rash cream.  When I was in the hospital after giving birth to Daisy, My friend Anna,  (who is a herbalist)  made me some amazing concoctions.  Mommy Tea, Herbal Sitz Bath, and Mommy and Baby Salve (AKA butt frosting, again just because I like saying that lol)

This salve is amazing.  I recommend it to women who have just given birth, and for skin irritations (my husband used it on his razor burn and it was gone within a day) and my most favorite use is for diaper rash.

Daisy was very sick at her tummy a few weeks ago and had awful diaper rash.  I tried this organic, natural salve and her intense red rash was gone in ONE day.  One day.  It’s made with all natural and organic ingredients like Olive Oil, Plantain, Cocoa Butter and lots of other healing herbs.  I HIGHLY recommend it to all my mommy and pregnant friends (and my mommy and pregnant friends who have husbands who get razor burn.)

Oh, and it’s only $10- so how freakin sweet is that?

Help a fellow hippie out by helping your baby’s butts!

Find it here 🙂

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