
Posts Tagged ‘induce’

I think modern-day culture has made parenting way more complicated than it needs to be.  Vaccines, baby books, when to start solids, how babies should sleep, how babies should eat.  It’s insane.

I first started noticing this parenting paranoia while pregnant.  I had to purposefully avoid certain books because I felt like their only purpose was to bring about fear and worry over 20 million different diseases my baby could likely contract from stupid things like sitting on a park bench.  America has cashed in on pregnancy and parenting paranoia.  I don’t think you shouldn’t read parenting books (i read them sometimes)  I don’t think you should not ask for advice (I do all the time) but I do think there is something to be said for trusting your instincts as a mother.

There is a supernatural bond, between mother and child,  that no book or doctor could ever explain away.  They don’t tell you this because they can’t make money off of it- but it’s real and it’s valid.

I woke up at 3am last night.  My husband was asleep and so was Daisy.  I crawled to the foot of the bed to look into Daisy’s basenet and saw she had kicked the covers off.  I was cold so I’m sure she was too.    I covered her little body and went back to sleep.  Did you know, that when you sleep close to your baby- your body instinctually becomes keenly aware of your baby’s breathing?  And when their breathing is thrown off, for whatever reason, your body wakes you up?  How crazy is that?  I knew, in my sleep, that Daisy needed to be warmed.

I know my baby better than any book, any doctor and any grandmother.  I think that’s an important thing to remind myself.  If she cries and a book, doctor or grandmother says I should let her cry herself to sleep- hell no I’m not just going to listen.  That doesn’t feel natural for a reason…because it’s not. I’m not going to inject my daughter with vaccines filled with hamster cells, mercury, aluminum, and fetuses because a doctor says I should.  Why do babies get fevers right after a vaccine?  Doesn’t feel natural?  Because it’s not.

We Americans like to think we have more figured out that rural tribes in Africa and other parts of the world, but I think we have a lot we could learn from them.  Parenting is natural.  Being a mother is natural and beautiful.

That’s probably why I can’t wait to see this documentary 🙂

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I never thought I’d be so excited about butt frosting.  AKA diaper rash cream.  When I was in the hospital after giving birth to Daisy, My friend Anna,  (who is a herbalist)  made me some amazing concoctions.  Mommy Tea, Herbal Sitz Bath, and Mommy and Baby Salve (AKA butt frosting, again just because I like saying that lol)

This salve is amazing.  I recommend it to women who have just given birth, and for skin irritations (my husband used it on his razor burn and it was gone within a day) and my most favorite use is for diaper rash.

Daisy was very sick at her tummy a few weeks ago and had awful diaper rash.  I tried this organic, natural salve and her intense red rash was gone in ONE day.  One day.  It’s made with all natural and organic ingredients like Olive Oil, Plantain, Cocoa Butter and lots of other healing herbs.  I HIGHLY recommend it to all my mommy and pregnant friends (and my mommy and pregnant friends who have husbands who get razor burn.)

Oh, and it’s only $10- so how freakin sweet is that?

Help a fellow hippie out by helping your baby’s butts!

Find it here 🙂

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In honor of my 100th post on this blog- I though I’d take a look back, in photos, of my journey to motherhood. Not too long ago this was pretty much just a pregnancy blog, now I have a beautiful 10-week-old!

^ This was taken the day we found out we were pregnant.  We were so excited we could hardly stand it.  We had been trying for almost 6 months!  I didn’t get morning sickness at all, I did, however, start craving strawberry smoothies.  Every night on my way home I’d stop at the store for strawberries, and Dole fruit juice, and I’d blend them with ice and eat almost 5 of those a day!  I thought something had to up.  So I took a test and well… you know the rest 😉

When I was 17 weeks pregnant we found out we were having a girl!! We were SO excited!! We would have been happy with either, but we were really hoping for a girl.   Since I had midwives, this was the only ultra sound I had throughout my entire pregnancy.

Though we got pregnant in August, we didn’t tell everyone the news until October (around the time this blog was born)  This a picture from the day we told the world our amazing news 🙂

I know I was around 30 weeks in this pregnant and it was very cold outside.  I liked being pregnant in the winter time and having my babe in the spring.  I was so cute!  I almost miss that belly.  Almost.

After being induced at 41weeks, and 38 lonngggggg hours of labor, our baby girl was born, healthy, happy, and more than we could have ever hoped for.

I don’t know what I would have done without this blog!  The community of sweet moms I’ve met and been encouraged by is amazing!  My blog has been a great outlet to vent and know that I’m not alone.

I appreciate all of my readers and look forward to 100 more posts! 🙂

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Finally, my birth story.  This is my birth story and I’m writing a Hospital Story on a different post because all of that needs to be said for sure.  For now though here’s my birth story!

The day of my induction [May 1]  I was, needless to say, very nervous.  I was ready but also very anxious.  My induction was scheduled for 8pm, so my husband [Ryan] and I went to town a little early just to hang out and spend some time together.  He was trying to ease my jitters but I couldn’t stop thinking about 8pm.  He was so sweet and took me out to my favorite restaurant.

I don’t know if it was nerves or the real thing, but I did begin having some very mild contractions the morning of my induction.

8:00pm May 1: We get to the hospital, get checked in and I’m whisked away to put on a gown and get into the hospital bed.  The labor and delivery room was on the small side which I really liked- I’m not good with hospitals so it made it feel less “medically”

8:30pm May 1: I have a thing stuck in my arm, which I hated.  I have very small veins and it’s always a pain in the ass for anyone to stick me.  Luckily though the lady was really nice and found one on the first try.  She numbed the area with a shot first because apparently the needle or whatever was really big.

Right after that, my midwife Meg inserted the cervidil, gave me a sleeping pill and told me to get some rest.

8am May 2: Some mild cramping but nothing intense.  Meg checks my cervix and I’m only 2cm.  Discouraging.  She then inserted cerva…something else that’s in pill form and dissolves.  It’s supposed to be a lot stronger and should move and soften my cervix more.

11AM May 2nd: I’m having real contractions now.  They’re not crazy intense, but they’re bad enough that I need to breathe through them.  They were coming at 2-3 minutes apart.  I had Ryan put in a CD I bought of “Relaxing Rain”… Sounds of the rain with soft piano in the background.  It sounds hoaky but it actually helped.  An annoying part about this stage was that everyone and their mom was trying to come in to see me.  I think everyone expected things to happen really quickly, which just made me feel like I wasn’t doing good enough.  And really, I’m having contractions, who tries to come see you when you’re having contractions?  The only people I wanted with me were Ryan and my mom.  I know everyone was just trying to be a support but it led me to a mini break down.  At one point I got up to walk and just stopped and cried on Ryan’s shoulder.  Sobbing saying I didn’t think I could do it.  Like saying that would do anything, I know,  but it was just going by sooo slowly and painfully.  My midwife came back and helped talk me down.  She said I felt like a watched pot and needed room to breathe- so I’m pretty sure she has something to do with everyone randomly disappearing, which I appreciated.

4pm May 2: Contractions are still 2-3 minutes apart and intense.  Meg says they need to be more regular and starts me on Pitocin.  Which scared the crap out of me, but she assured me she was starting it on 2 [whatever that means?] and wasn’t trying to rush the baby out like most doctors would, she just wanted the contractions to be more consistent.  They try to insert it into the thing in my arm and it wouldn’t work for some reason.  3 people came and poked around trying to figure out why it wouldn’t go into my veins.  They called the IV Team [am i the only one who finds that they call themselves that hilarious?]  and this obnoxious redneck woman tries pulling at it.  “Oh I got it now”  … “Ooops, pulled to far… I’m going to have to try to stick you some place else.”  Are you kidding me? I’m in hardcore labor.  Remember they “numb” the area with a shot each time.  This bitch stuck me (not including the “numbing shot”) (Which hurt like hell btw) NINE times.  NINE times trying to find a vein.  This is the only time I got snappy with the staff.  She was standing right there and I was crying and battling contractions and angry.  I remember saying to my midwife ” Can we please just get the lady in here who did it before- the one who actually KNEW what she was doing.”  That made redneck woman mad and she jumps in ” She’s busy right now” And I;m like I don’t give a… yeah.  Anyway the lady I wanted came in with an ultrasound machine and found a vein.  Then the Pitocin got going. Gah.

7pm May 2: This is “2”?! Holy crap.  Each contraction hurt worse than the last.  I was gripping my mom and Ryan’s hand through each one.  Trying to breathe. Trying to imagine a beach.  Anything just to get through.  In between a contraction I got up to use the bathroom.  I waddled back, toting my pitocin behind me.  I started a contraction and sat on the edge of the bed.  Mid contraction I felt a gush.  The more intense the contraction got the more water gushed into the floor.  My water broke.  This was some encouragement i needed.  I was glad my water wouldn’t have to be manually broken.

9pm May 2: These are the most intense contractions I’ve had.  They were consistently coming and more painful each time.  I had to breath through each one.  Ryan or my mom would hold my hand,  sometimes it would help to have Ryan breathe with me.  The room felt so hot but the nurses and Ryan were wearing jackets because they said my room was really cold- I didn’t think so,  I remember sweating like crazy.

9:30pm May 2: I’m having a lot of pain [obviously].  Meg checks my cervix and I’m 4CM dilated! Score.  She tells me I can have an epidural if I’d like.  Yes, I’d like, I’d love actually.  Love everything except the needle in my spine thing but no pain sounds amazing.

9:45pm May 2: I hate needles.  The only thing ok with the epidural needle is that it goes in behind you, so you don’t see it.  The epidural man came in the room and started getting set up.  He told me to sit on the edge of the bed and arch my back like a cat.  This was very difficult to do with crazy kill you contractions.  Staying still was close to impossible,  but burying my head in Ryan’s chest and grabbing onto some random nurse’s hand I somehow managed to stay still enough for him to insert it.  DEAR GOD it hurt.  It was such a weird sensation.  It felt like a needle going into my spine.  This is where I was completely ridiculous.  I was saying [loudly]  “We’re never having sex again.” and “I don’t like you epidural man I don’t like you at all.”  My mom and midwife were covering their mouths to keep from laughing.  At the moment I was dead serious though.

10pm May 2: I apologize to epidural man and tell him I like him.  I tell him I like him VERY much.  No pain.  It was wonderful.  My midwife told me to sleep, and upped the pitocin.  From then on out the pitocin was upped every couple of hours.  My legs were numb.  Such a strange feeling.  The nurse had to empty my bladder with a catheter.  I don’t want to think about how this was done.  I held Ryan’s hand and thankfully felt nothing.  She did this every four hours.  I was able to sleep.  I actually think that was the last time I was able to sleep to this day lol.

6am May 3: Something’s wearing off.  I feel pressure and on coming contraction.  The nurse calls the epidural man and he gives me a more concentrated dose of epi and it’s all ok.  They also show my a button I can push every ten minutes to give me more epidural juice.  Seriously? A button I can push for more!!? Exciting.

8am May 3: Meg checks my cervix.  It doesn’t hurt this time.  I’m limp and numb.  Something close to being drunk only a LOT better ha.  Meg says I’m NINE CM!!!!! 9!!!!!! The thought still gets me excited.  Meg’s off duty now and has to go take appointments.  The next midwife is my 2nd fav, Alisa, And she’s amazing.  I think I prefered her above everyone for the pushing part.

9am May 3: Alisa comes in and I tell her and the nurse that my epidural is wearing off, I can feel pressure from contractions, they tell me this is good.  That’s not good are you kidding me!? This is a bug reason why I wanted an epidural- for the pushing a kid out of my vagina part!? I look for my button- and they’ve taken it away!? Bitches!  Really though, it was good I could feel just what I needed to.  I needed to feel contractions so could push.

Watching the contraction screen, and listening to my body, Alisa tells me when to push.  My mom holds back a leg and Ryan holds back a leg and I take a deep breath and push.  Alisa is amazing.  She lets me go at my own pace, she doesn’t raise her voice, she stays amazingly calm which helps me to no end.  All she says is “You’re doing great” “Push push push keep going you can do it”  and she says it very softly.  As the head gets further down the nurse brings in a mirror.  I didn’t think I wanted a mirror, but I did want to see the head crowning. That’s all I wanted to see.  I just wanted to see that I was getting somewhere.

Alisa is rubbing arnica oil around where the baby’s head is crowning and I really think this helped me from tearing too badly.  The nurse wheeled in a cart with scissors and other things and I was like “Oh please don’t cut me.” lol  I think I meant “I really don’t want an episiotomy.”  But whatever.  Alisa was like “Oh don’t worry I’m not- I haven’t done one of those in almost 10 years!”  Amazing my midwives are.  The scissors and stuff was for the baby’s cord.  I was that close.

I felt a big contraction coming on and with a strength I didn’t know I had in me I pushed as hard as I could.  I just closed my eyes and pushed and imagined my little girl entering the world.  Then, in an instant, I hear a sweet little cry and I feel her body leaving me and being placed on my stomach, cord still attached.  She was so warm and precious.  I cried so hard.  I didn’t know I’d get so emotional.  But I put my hands around her sweet chubby, wet, little body and sobbed.  “Hello there, hey sweetie.”  That’s all I remember saying to her and she stopped crying.

After the cord stopped pulsing, Alisa clamped it and Ryan cut it.  When they lifted her up I got to see her sweet face.  Her chipmunk cheeks and double chin were the cutest most precious things I’ve ever seen.  She was truly beautiful.  Breath-takingly beautiful.

While Ryan got to hold her for the first time.  I pushed out the placenta and Alisa said it, and the cord looked amazing.  After that wasn’t so wonderful, as the nurse pushed extremely hard on my tender uterus to expel some blood clots.  This hurt almost worse than labor, no exaggeration.  It was terrible.  She kept forcing her weight down onto my lower abdomen and it hurt like nothing else.  But she did get all of the blood out and my uterus began to shrink down some.

Alisa told me I had some minimal tearing and said she could do little stitches and stitch it up if I wanted, or I could just “keep my legs closed” and it would heal on its own.  Uh, I vote keep my legs closed.  So thankfully I didn’t tear really.

After Ryan held her I got her back and was able to nurse her.  She latched right away and was very alert and awake.  So sweet.  She was born May 3, 2010 at 11:26AM.  They weighed her and my chunky monkey weighed 8lbs 2oz, 20in long and her head was 14in around.  She’s so sweet, she has little rolls.  She’s like a water baby. I love it.

After that it was a blur.  I was overwhelmed with all I needed to process, really.. And partially drugged out on epidural.  I couldn’t move my legs, so the nurses had to wheel me into the bathroom to pee.  That was a task for my fat butt.  I was forced to weigh and I gained 80 POUNDS this pregnancy.  80 pounds.  Jesus.  Well worth it, but dang, I have my work cut out for me.  (I’ve already lost 30 though, somehow, by the way, go me.)

Anyway, I may add to this later.  I don’t expect anyone to read the whole thing- this is more me processing than anything.  Daisy is beautiful.  I’m totally in love.  I knew I’d love her, I didn’t expect to FALL in love with her though.  She’s so beautiful.

Over all I feel her birth was great.  A lot of pain, a lot of waiting, but I felt supported and safe and I’m fortunate I didn’t have to have anything major done.  Plus, I got an adorable pudgy baby.

Chronicles of my life as a new mom soon to come (:

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Yes, I’m being induced.  But before you’re all disappointed in me- I’ll start with my midwife appointment Wednesday.  So, I go in and I have my least favorite midwife.  She’s not bad or rude or anything, she’s just older and very doctorly.  And she’s very rough.  She pounds on my stomach to feel the baby and my uterus. I know that isn’t necessary and I’m not just whining about it , none of the other midwives are that rough.  Anyway, She wants to check me, so I lay back and without any warning (and I don’t think any lube) she very quickly jabs some fingers up in me and starts feeling around.  The whole time she’s telling me to  relax those muscles but she’s making it damn near impossible.  I know I sound like a princess, and yes I’m aware that having a baby will hurt way worse than that, still though it irks me.

So, rough midwife says she can barely even get to the opening of my cervix.  That it hasn’t came down or let down or moved or whatever.  It’s “long and strong” and I may be dilated to 1cm but it’s not softening up the way it should.  She said I could try to wait it out until 42 weeks but she wouldn’t advise it.  If I did wait it out, I’d have to go to the hospital Monday for a stress test, and then again two days later for some other test, then they’d most likely have to do a pitocin induction.  Not too thrilled about that option.  Especially since I’m enormously uncomfortable, and this kid is showing zero signs of wanting to come soon.  I just feel like having to do that would make me even more stressed out and be counter productive.

She said I could be induced Saturday with Cervidil.  Cervidil is a tampon like insert that will be put near my cervix to try to ripen it.  Once its softened and ripened, hopefully, I’ll start having regular contractions and labor can go on.  I’ve read a lot about it and it sounds like the most natural way to induce.  All it does is ripen the cervix so that the contractions your body is trying to have can actually work.  I think that’s why I’ve been so crampy lately, my body is trying to get things going but my cervix isn’t letting it. ALSO, she won’t be the one doing all of this, it will be MEG- my number one favorite midwife.  I love her.  She’s a new yorker, jewish lady who is just brilliant and great.  So I’m really happy and already put a little at ease know it’s her that will be delivering me.

So there we go, Tomorrow at 8pm we’ll get this party started.  The hospital requires that I have an IV if I’m being induced, which I’m not thrilled about.  God I hate needles.  But my mom and Ryan will be there.  Along with a “Sounds of the Rain” cd I’m getting today.

I’m scared, nervous, anxious, excited.  Mostly just terrified.  I hope I can do this.  I’m trying to get myself into the right mindset.  Ideally I’d like to be as zen as possible.  I think the rain CD and Ryan will help with that.

So, please pray for me (or send positive vibes or energy my way)  that I’ll have a quick (as possible) complication-free delivery and that the baby will be healthy and happy.  ahh!!

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I thought I’d have a baby by now.  Does my body just not know what to do?  I know a girl who was due two weeks from now- had her baby last week.  And I’m going on 2 days over-due.  Torture.

I have a midwife appointment tomorrow.  I’m telling them I want to be induced by monday.  I don’t know how that’ll go.  Probably not too well.  They aren’t crazy about induction (neither am I but holy crap the thought of being TWO weeks over-due scares the crap out of me) I want to be induced Monday if I don’t go into labor on my own.  We’ll see what they say.  I don’t think they’ll be crazy about that- but I think I’ll seriously just break down and cry if they tell me I have to wait two weeks.

It’s selfish, I know, I just don’t want to be pregnant anymore.  I can’t handle it.  Work is a nightmare being this huge,  I can’t roll over,  I have constant heartburn, my back is killing me, my legs hurt,  I just can’t do it anymore.  I want this baby out.  And I’m mad and frustrated that it hasn’t happened yet.  I’m not mad at the baby I’m mad at myself if anything.  Why isn’t my body doing what it’s supposed to!? This kid is COOKED.  The baby was SEVEN pounds two weeks ago- which means around EIGHT pounds now?! Jesus.

Cross your fingers for me that my midwife appointment goes good tomorrow.  At least that we’ll find an ok compromise.  Or even better- cross your fingers that I’ll go into labor today. HA.

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