
Posts Tagged ‘38 weeks pregnant’

I never thought I’d be so excited about butt frosting.  AKA diaper rash cream.  When I was in the hospital after giving birth to Daisy, My friend Anna,  (who is a herbalist)  made me some amazing concoctions.  Mommy Tea, Herbal Sitz Bath, and Mommy and Baby Salve (AKA butt frosting, again just because I like saying that lol)

This salve is amazing.  I recommend it to women who have just given birth, and for skin irritations (my husband used it on his razor burn and it was gone within a day) and my most favorite use is for diaper rash.

Daisy was very sick at her tummy a few weeks ago and had awful diaper rash.  I tried this organic, natural salve and her intense red rash was gone in ONE day.  One day.  It’s made with all natural and organic ingredients like Olive Oil, Plantain, Cocoa Butter and lots of other healing herbs.  I HIGHLY recommend it to all my mommy and pregnant friends (and my mommy and pregnant friends who have husbands who get razor burn.)

Oh, and it’s only $10- so how freakin sweet is that?

Help a fellow hippie out by helping your baby’s butts!

Find it here 🙂

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In honor of my 100th post on this blog- I though I’d take a look back, in photos, of my journey to motherhood. Not too long ago this was pretty much just a pregnancy blog, now I have a beautiful 10-week-old!

^ This was taken the day we found out we were pregnant.  We were so excited we could hardly stand it.  We had been trying for almost 6 months!  I didn’t get morning sickness at all, I did, however, start craving strawberry smoothies.  Every night on my way home I’d stop at the store for strawberries, and Dole fruit juice, and I’d blend them with ice and eat almost 5 of those a day!  I thought something had to up.  So I took a test and well… you know the rest 😉

When I was 17 weeks pregnant we found out we were having a girl!! We were SO excited!! We would have been happy with either, but we were really hoping for a girl.   Since I had midwives, this was the only ultra sound I had throughout my entire pregnancy.

Though we got pregnant in August, we didn’t tell everyone the news until October (around the time this blog was born)  This a picture from the day we told the world our amazing news 🙂

I know I was around 30 weeks in this pregnant and it was very cold outside.  I liked being pregnant in the winter time and having my babe in the spring.  I was so cute!  I almost miss that belly.  Almost.

After being induced at 41weeks, and 38 lonngggggg hours of labor, our baby girl was born, healthy, happy, and more than we could have ever hoped for.

I don’t know what I would have done without this blog!  The community of sweet moms I’ve met and been encouraged by is amazing!  My blog has been a great outlet to vent and know that I’m not alone.

I appreciate all of my readers and look forward to 100 more posts! 🙂

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I grew up around a lot of cats.  Their were always lots of cats that hung around my mamaw’s yard for some reason- I have no idea why.  Anyhow, I remember when a mom cat would get pregnant.  She’d get big, of course, and about week before she’d have kittens she’d get really really mean.  Like bite your fingers off mean.  I was told to not pet her, and all the other cats instinctively knew to leave her alone.  Within a day or so the mom cat disappears and finds a laundry basket or quiet corner somewhere and has the kittens.  I’ve been thinking about that lately because I’ve been about as mean as a very pregnant-almost-due , mom cat.  The littlest thing irritates me.  My poor husband haha.

It’s probably just hormones… and the fact that I’m huge and very uncomfortable, plus it’s getting hot outside.  [ Really, how do some women go through their entire third trimester in the summer time!? I WOULD DIE!]

Anyways, after reading Naomi’s blog about waiting for baby, I was inspired to stop waiting and just keep living.  [She has a lot of great “passing the time” tips on there you should check it out if you’re huge and grumpy like me 🙂 ]


So today I had lunch with Ryan’s grandparents and they brought over the crib.  He’ll be putting that together tonight! So exciting.  Then I walked for about 45 minutes, which was difficult but I do feel better.

I also decided I wanted to learn to crochet.  I’ve done some knitting but it’s very frustrating, and friends have told me that crocheting is a lot easier.  So I waddled to the store and picked up a crochet needle and I’ve been going at it for almost 2 hours!  It’s so easy and I actually feel productive while I’m just sitting around.  Whatever it is I’m crocheting right now looks pretty ragged… haha… But if I keep at it I’m sure I’ll get better.  How cute would it be if I could make my own baby hats and booties!? And scarfs for family at Christmas!? I’m pretty excited.  I think I’ll even take it with me to the hospital to help pass the time.

If any of my preggy friends are interested, it’s super easy and fun and I learned just by watching a few videos online.

Even if it turns into nothing, it’s something to keep my mind and hands occupied while baby stays put.  And baby is for sure staying put for now… I haven’t really felt much cramping or anything today… And I’m almost 39 weeks along. U G H.  And to think when I was first pregnant I was stressing about having a premie! AH! It’s ok, I’m just going to crochet, blog, fix up baby’s room and work until someone decides to make a debut.  Hopefully that will be soon though ;p.

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I had my 38 week check-up yesterday.  It went very good, I’m very fortunate.  I fall in love with each midwife each time I see them haha.  They’re all so great. Baby’s head is engaged! That’s exciting news.  And I’ve been having a lot of cramps which my midwife says is a really good sign that things could happen pretty soon. [PLEASE??] It was funny when she was listening to the heatbeat JellyBean kept kicking her.  It was pretty cute.  She says that baby is about 7lbs already!  I was pretty much giddy.

I had a pretty disappointing false alarm though.  Around 6pm I started getting contractions.  Real feeling ones, a lot more intense than braxton hicks or the mild cramping I’ve been getting.  They were about 45 seconds long and came every 10 minutes.  I thought for sure this had to be something. How perfect would that have been!? But alas, this happened for an hour and then completely stopped.  Ryan had already called his mom and sisters and everything.  I think he was more excited than I was ;p.  So that was a let down.  I’m thinking about getting my pregnant butt up and waddling walking for an hour tonight.  Maybe that’ll help get things going?

Everyone I know swears by spicy food but I’m almost positive that will do nothing for me.  I’ve been craving spicy food my entire pregnancy.  I eat Habanero salsa like nobodies business. [the kind the waiters of mexican restaurants warn you not to get because it’s so hot]  I eat loads of wasabi on my [cooked] sushi, spicy curry is amazing.  So, I’m pretty sure my body is immune the effects of spicy food when it comes to inducing labor.

I’ll try the walk though. AHH!

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38 weeks… Wow I’m so pregnant.  Could this be the week?  Next week perhaps?  We had a bit of a disaster the other night.  It was 4AM and I woke up because I heard what sounded like a shower turned on.  I nudged my husband and he sprung into action, (it’s a guy thing)  and found the pipe of the toilet in the baby’s room’s bathroom had come apart and a jet stream of water was attacking the ceiling and has flooded the entire room.  Brilliant.

Thankfully nothing [baby] was damaged or ruined, and our flat’s maintenance people have it pretty much taken care of right now.  I’m just kind of frustrated that all that time I’ve spent nesting its kind of out the window at the moment.  Like my nest got washed away in a storm.  A toilet storm.  My husband moved everything out of the room- the pack and play is now in our room- with rugs and clothes piled on top of it,  the glider is in the living room, the changing table in the closet… AHHH.  It’s driving me crazy.  I already had all of this done!! Hopefully we’ll he’ll be able to move everything back in today.  Needless to say, I’m annoyed.

As far as baby news, nothing new to report.  I think this little butter cup is quite comfy in there.  I keep joking that jellybean is staying put for the food, because pretty soon it’ll be an all milk diet for this little tike ;p

I do have a midwife appointment tomorrow.  Finally.  I’ve been putting it off for two weeks because I’ve been so freaking busy.  My midwives don’t check for dilatation or anything like that.  I’m curious as to whether I’ve dilated or not but it’d be kind of pointless to ask to be checked, and awkward.  So I’ll just wait until the big day to find out I guess.

I dreamed that baby came on April 22.  We’ll see.  I’d rather it be today haha.  April 19th would be sweet, my husband and I are both born on the 19th of different months so it’d be cute if our chicken-biscut was born on the 19th as well. [like all these nicknames I have already? ;p]

OH, I don’t want to be past-due.  I want to go early.  A lady yesterday told me my feet were swollen.  Really?! Thank you for the reminder!  How is it that people think it’s ok to make comments on your body when your pregnant? It makes me want to comment on their appearance too.  Like “You have a very large nose!”  or something equally inappropriate so they know how it feels.  GAH- not too much longer… HOPEFULLY.

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